Live dealers, real cards, unlimited players and spectators in your private event..
Poker is a training ground for sharp business decision making
“I've noticed, empirically, there seems to be a high correlation between playing poker and being a successful startup founder.”
"The two things that taught me the most about business, are poker and angel investing. So I recommend both of those.”
“I think poker is the most incredible game and training ground for business. I would encourage all of you to play with your friends... it's a beautiful, beautiful game.”
Most events are stuck spending on high-cost, hard-to-coordinate experiences, or low-end virtual experiences
The best events need to have these traits
Worthy of impressing their clients. Companies want to see ROI
The game attracts the Fortune 100 CEO + the college intern
Both Introverts and Extraverts gain energy from the experience
Intimate setting enables organic conversations amongst teams
Companies don’t want to spend time & resources for events.
Practice skills like decision-making, managing risk, & expected value
Your event includes brag-worthy ‘ESPN-like’ recap content shareable with your network